Youth from Armenia Got Acquainted with the History and the Present of Tbilisi Armenians Print


On the 19th of August, a group of church-loving youth, consisting of 20 people, that came from Dilijan, Tavush Province RA, headed by the Priest of local Surb Khach Church Shavarsh Simonyan, visited Tbilisi.

The visit to Tbilisi started at Surb Etchmiadzin Church in Avlabari with the Immortal and Divine Liturgy on the Day of the Remembrance of the Dead, following theAssumption of the BlessedVirgin Mary, which was conducted by Priest Shavarsh Simonyan. The spiritual father of Surb Khach Church delivered a sermon to the faithful in connection with the Day of the Remembrance of the Dead, which follows one of the Great Feasts of the Armenian Church. Upon completion of the Divine Liturgy the Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan senthis blessing to the guests, welcomed their aim to get acquainted with Armenian places in Tbilisi and mingle with Tbilisi Armenian youth by means of the pilgrimage.

The pilgrimage of church-loving youth consisted of one day. However,during thatone day the youth from Dilijan considered it their duty to visit Tbilisi Pantheon “Khojivank” and express theirreverence for deceased writers and public figures. The guests saw theold districts ofTbilisi, visited the Armenianchurches, and went sightseeing in Tbilisi.

During the days of pilgrimage the guests from Dilijan were accompanied by responsible for the youth department at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, the spiritual supervisor Deacon Gevorg Antonyan.

Enriched withbright impressionsandnew friends the church-loving youth from Dilijan, Tavush Province, went back home.

Armenian (Հայերեն)Georgian (ქართული)English (United Kingdom)Russian (Русский)