To the Department of the Armenian Writers' Union, its Members and Members of the Ananian Grieving Family |
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Dear brothers and sisters, it is a great sorrow for the Armenians of Georgia to irreversiblylosethe famousson of the Armenianpeople, a good friend of fraternalGeorgia, who supportedArmeniansof Tbilisi andJavakheti, a good manand abrightintellectual. Wemournbitterly, as many dreams andintentionswere not realized. We regret that we will no longer seedearLevon on holiday inhonor ofGhazarosAghayan in Bolnisi-Khachen, at Vardaton in honor of Sayat-Nova in Tbilisi, at the celebrationin honor ofJivaniinKarzakh, at Vahan Terian Poetry Day celebrations in Gandza village, at the festivalofashugHavasiin Ayazma village. ThecontributionofLevonAnanianin thefield of Armenian and Georgian literary dialogue is invaluable: dozens of books had been translatedfrom Armenian intoGeorgianand vice versa, owing to Levon many Georgian cultural workers became close to Armenia and Artsakh, famous Armenian writers of Georgia became members of the Armenian Writers’ Union. GratefulTbilisiArmenianswill bring tocompletionthe sacred restoration of the"Vernatun" and the full acquisitionof the greatTumanyan'shouse, which was started by LevonAnanyan. We feel sadnessand bitternessin oursouls.However,the undying deeds, sincerity in human communication, anda kind smile of LevonAnanianwill alwaysaccompany us in our prayers,starting withBolnisi-Khachen and ending withGandzaandHeshtia villages. From thebottom of our hearts wepray for peaceandsalvation of LevonAnanian’s soul. May the Godof our fatherslift uphis soul toheaven, accompanied by good angelsand light,andunitewith the souls ofthe greatArmenians, andlet the HolySpiritcomfortall of us andthe members ofthe Ananianfamily, dispelthe grief andsettlehope in every heart for the immortality ofthe soul and itssalvationthrough Jesus Christ. |