The Nativity of Jesus in theatrical performance of 104 school students Print


Christmas is approaching and in connection with this holiday by joint efforts of Public School # 104 1st-5th grade students (Schoolmistress Irina Zhamokochyan), at the initiative of school librarian Hasmik Antonyan theatrical performance “The Nativity of Jesus” was organized. The participating group had thoroughly prepared themselves and readily presented it at school event, which was attended by Priest of Surb Etchmiadzin Church Manuk Zeynalyan and the Head of Educational Department of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia Eugenia Markosyan.

It was evident that the initiator Hasmik Antonyan had conducted a big work, as the children understood and took to heart the meaning of each word and the content of every episode. The schoolchildren adding love and warmth to their acting made the audience, school administration, teachers, parents and guest an accomplice of the good news of Christmas.

Impressed by children’s wonderful performance, at the suggestion of Priest Manuk Zeynalyan it had been decided to show that theatrical performance at Surb Etchmiadzin Church as well, after the Divine Liturgy.

And so on December 29, after the Sunday Divine Liturgy, at Surb Etchmiadzin Church the students of Public School # 104 with their acting, smooth recitation and appropriate costumes again presented The Nativity of Jesus, receiving encouragement and appreciation of the audience. Priest Manuk Zeynalyan and Priest Samvel Torosyan congratulated on Christmas and New Year attending the event schoolmistress of Public School # 104 Irina Zhamkochyan, teachers, parents and the other believers, wishing them all the best of luck.  


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