The Median Day of the Great Lent (Mijink) was marked in the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia Print


On March 26, the Median Day of the Great Lent (Mijink), according to traditions and the canons of the Church solemn divine services and traditional festivals of Armenian pastry (gata) took place in the churches of the Armenian Diocese of Georgia.

It was especially festive day in Surb Etchmiadzin Church of Tbilisi, here under the guidance of Priest Samvel Torosyan were properly prepared for the Median Day of the Great Lent (Mijink). Devoted son of his Church Garik Simonian and the members of the Association of Armenian Women of Georgia "Shushanik", Larisa and Amalya Harutyunyan, had prepared for the feast 800 pieces of festive pastry (gata), and put crosses in some of them while baking, which were donated by the "godfather of the cross" Yuri Yeremyan.

On that day Surb Etchmiadzin Church was crowded. After the Evening Service under the leadership of the clergy, dressed in folk costumes members of “Taron” Youth Amateur Dance Ensemble of the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, distributed the traditional pastry to believers.

On the same day the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan together with the heads of diocesan departments visited the Vicariate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka.

This year in Ninotsminda region, a festival and contest of Armenian traditional pastry (gata) dedicated to the Median Day of the Great Lent (Mijink) was held, which was organized by spiritual shepherd of Ninotsminda Priest Armash Poghosyan and Gevorg Snkhchyan, coordinator of Rafael (Javakh) Gharslyan Educational Cultural and Youth Center. More than 30 varieties of Armenian pastry (gata) from the regional center, nearby villages and Tbilisi were presented.

The Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, through the offices of the Vicar-General of Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka, Supreme Archimandrite Babken Salbiyan, spiritual shepherd of Surb Sargis Church in Khojabek and Armenians of Ninotsminda region, Priest Armash Poghosyan, conducted the divine service and sanctified the traditional pastry in the local Surb Sargis Church. After that a festive event was held in the yard of the center. At the cultural center the winners of the festival and contest were named. With the clergy’s blessing the winners received a present - the Holy Bible. Ninotsminda Municipality Gamgebeli Gagik Gharslyan and Chairman of Ninotsminda Sakrebulo Smbat Kyureghyan attended the religious ceremony and the festive event.

In Surb Khach Church of Akhalkalaki the Median Day of the Great Lent (Mijink) was solemnly celebrated as well. After the Evening Service vocal ensemble “Garni” under the leadership of artistic director Sona Movsisyan splendidly performed the works by Komitas and Makar Yekmalyan. 50 varieties of Armenian pastry (gata) were presented during the festival, which lately were distributed to many people gathered in the church.

After that the Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia and the Vicar-General of Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tsalka, Supreme Archimandrite Babken Salbiyan, together with the delegation from Tbilisi visited the Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Akhaltsikhe, were after the religious ceremony the sanctification of the traditional pastry took place, which was then distributed to the faithful.

The festive ceremony dedicated to the Median Day of the Great Lent (Mijink) was also held in Surb Prkich Church of Batumi, which was attended by the believers from Batumi, Kobuleti and Chakvi Armenian communities.

Revival and promotion of folk customs, associated with the Median Day of the Great Lent (Mijink) and other feasts, in the Armenian Diocese of Georgia will give a new impetus to spiritual life renewal and bring Armenians close to their roots.

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