Adjara’s one-day Armenian school students passed final exams Print


On June 7th Batumi’s “St. MesropMashtots” and Kobuleti’s “Vramshapuh” one-day Armenian language school students passed their interim and final exams at the St. Savoir Armenian apostolic church. YevgeniaMarkodyan, educational department head of the Armenian diocese of Georgia arrived in Batumi to help organize the examination process.

The Armenian language examinations were held under the leadership of “St. MesropMashtots” schoolteachers SonaHovhannisyan, Diana Hakobyan and GayaneVardanyan, as well as Diana Qeyan of Kobuleti’s “Vramshapuh” school.

The teaching staff of the schools was satisfied by the results of the exams. The students were not only able to read and write in Armenian, but also delivered poetry readings, which comes to prove the fact that the children are dedicated to their church, traditions and history of their nation.

The children who participated in the examination enjoyed cold drinks and ice cream provided by “Balis” and “Iceberg” companies respectively.

In the coming days the graduates of Adjara’s one-day school will be granted certificates for knowledge of basic Armenian.

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