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Meeting and Discussion with a Famous Sociologist and Historian Claire Mouradian PDF Print E-mail

kler muradyan

On 16 June, 2013, at the “Hayartun” Cultural Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia a meeting with Claire Mouradian, a specialist in Social Sciences, historian, recognized in France expert on Caucasus issues, took place.

Mrs. Clair Mouradian is the Head of French National Centre for Scientific Research, the Head of Department on Caucasus issues at Paris School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, an expert on the social and political history of the post-Soviet Caucasus and 19-20th centuries Armenia. She is the author of the book "The Armenians of France: from chaos to recognition."

Having arrived on the invitation of the Embassy of France to Georgia, Mrs. Claire Mouradian with pleasure supported a proposal of Levon Isakhanyan, the Head of the Legal Department of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, and found the time to meet with the representatives of the Armenian community in Georgia to jointly discuss and answer their questions.

Ms. Mouradian introduced herself as a child of a family, which survived the Armenian Genocide and after long wanderings settled in France. She presented the Armenian community in France, objectives and areas of activities, as well as the image of Armenians in France.

After that Mrs. Mouradian presented in a historical context the preconditions of the past and the present in the Caucasus, and also showed the ways to eliminate them.

The sociologist and historian responded to the questions of the audience, which mainly related to the Armenian Genocide, France approach and problems in the activities of the Armenian community in France, mixed marriages and the preservation of the Armenian language.

The meeting was held in an interesting and warm atmosphere. After the meeting Mrs. Claire Mouradian accompanied by the participants visited Tbilisi Pantheon of the Armenian Writers and Public Figures, and went to Gary Davtyan Puppet House, where she met the mistress of the house Jhana Davtyan.