Artsakh State Choir Gave a Concert at Surb Etchmiadzin Church in Tbilisi |
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On the 11th of August, at Surb Etchmiadzin Church in Tbilisi, under the leadership of the Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, the Divine Liturgy in honor of the Eve of the Fast of St. Mary, Holy Godmother, was served. Among the faithfulArmenians of Tbilisi,membersof Artsakh State Choir, whocame fromStepanakert, attended TheSunday Liturgy. At the end of the Liturgy the Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan introduced the Artsakh State Choir; he greeted guests upon arrival and encouraged them in their desire to perform the works by Komitas under thearches of Surb Etchmiadzin Church. NinaGrigoryan, the artistic directorand conductor of thechoir, welcoming the audience,recalled thatas a studentshe had participated in aconcert heldin TbilisiState Conservatory, andthen an idea came up to her mind necessarily tosingat the Armenian churchin Tbilisi. As the artistic directorof Artsakh State Choir,she thanked thePrimate of theDioceseof the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgiafor providing thisopportunityto play a concertunder thearches of SurbEchmiadzinChurch in Tbilisi. Artsakh State Choir was formedin thehard days of Karabakh war,in1991. The smallchoir, created at the initiative ofmusicianNinaGrigoryan, who is by origin from Karabakhandwas born in Moscow, has passeda complexand difficult pathof formation, and supported the existenceby inspiration andsenseof national enthusiasm. However,a strong desireto appearwith high cultureto the world andperseverancein workproduced quick results, and now a fullchoir is recognized asArtsakh choralchapel, while obtainedhigh-levelperformance andprofessionalismbecameapparentbasis for grantingto thechapel the status of Artsakh State Choir. Formedchoir,whose repertoire includessamples ofclassical and sacredmusicof the world,under the leadership ofartistic director and conductor NinaGrigoryan, took part in various internationalcompetitions and festivals. Back in2003, while performing in Barcelonaclassicalpolyphonicsongs,state choirreceiveda gold medal, and in 2009 they came back witha silver medal from the internationalcompetition and festival heldin Austria. During the concert givenat SurbEchmiadzin Church in Tbilisi,Artsakh StateChoirsuperblyperformed in four voicesworks byKomitasandreceiveda warm welcomeand storm of applause from the Armenian audience in Georgia. At the end the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan blessed the audience and addressedkind wordsto the headand members of thechoir. The Head of the Diocesecalled thechoir an ambassador of Artsakh culture to the Caucasusand offered to organize jointlywith the ArtsakhCultureMinistry the performancesof ArtsakhState Choirwiththe generalconcert program in Tbilisi. The Chairman of the Armenian Musician'sUnion of Georgia Artem Kirakozov welcomed the choir performance, and poetess Marina Mosesova- Kirakosyan dedicated to the guests her poem entitled “Armenia”. The consecrated crosses were given as a keepsake to the members of Artsakh State Choir.