Teachers from Artsakh Visited the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia |
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On August 7-9, 2013, the teachers of several schools inStepanakert visitedTbilisi. A teacher of Armenian language and literature at Stepanakert Public School #2 Anahit Mesropyan, who had already been several times to Tbilisi, had organized the tour to visit sights in Tbilisi. The faithful Gevorkyans , the family that has always supported the church, hosted more than two dozen teachers from Stepanakert.Almostthree days the guests from Artsakh enjoyedthe warmth andhospitalityof Mrs.Violettaand other membersof this family. Michael Avakyan, responsible for social affairs at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, and Karen Yeritsyan, managerforthe construction andrepair issues,met theteachers andhelped to make thedays spent inTbilisiinteresting and significant. The tour of teachers in Tbilisi began with the Tbilisi Pantheon of the Armenian Writers and Public Figures “Khojivank”. After that theguests visited theGeorgianhistorical andcultural center- the city ofMtskheta, climbed up to Narikala fortress and castle, visited the Temple of the HolyTrinity. Zhana Davtyan , who is the headmistress Gary Davtyan Puppet and Culture House, welcomed the teachers from Artsakh and showed them the unique hand puppet play. The sulfur baths district, the old city, reminded the guestsabout the history of Tbilisi creation andits founderVakhtangGorgasali; theyalso sawArmenian culturalmonuments ofTbilisi andattended theDivine Liturgyservedat SurbEchmiadzin Church. The teacherswent toMtatsminda Parkandenjoyed the beauty ofthe evening city. Their journey in Tbilisiendedwithdinner, whichgave theDioceseof the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgiainhonor of the guestsfromArtsakh. With theindelibleimpressions,vivid memoriesand a deepsense of gratitude the teachersreturned to their nativeArtsakh.