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The Chairman of the Spiritual Council of the Yezidi community visited the Primacy of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail


On November 22, 2014 the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan hosted the Chairman of the Spiritual Council of the Yezidi community in Georgia, Dimitri Pirabari, and a member of the community, Rostov Amadov, in his residence at Tbilisi St. Echmiadzin Church.

The Primate of the Diocese greeted the guests and talked about the importance of close relations between Armenians and Yezidis, as well as the importance of cooperation between them. During the conversation His Holiness stated that Armenia always remembers and estimates the united struggle of Jahangir agha and General Andranik for the sake of the freedom of the Armenian Land. The Primate also stated that he lived in the neighborhood of Yezidi people in Armenia, he had Yezidi classmates, and he still keeps warm relations with him.

His Holiness Vazgen also expressed his sorrow and offered his condolences on the crime and injustice towards Yezidi people in Iraq.  
The Chairman of the Spiritual Council, Dimitri Pirabari, thanked for the warm welcome and the friendly feelings. He talked about the works of Yezidi spiritual center, which was being constructed in Tbilisi. The center will soon be ready for use.
There was also a conversation on spiritual and traditional life of Yezidi communities of Armenia, as well as other issues related to them.
With the support of the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia promised to make every effort to preserve and develop the spiritual, cultural life and traditions of Yezidi community in Armenia.

Armenian (Հայերեն)Georgian (ქართული)English (United Kingdom)Russian (Русский)