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In Holy Echmiadzin Church in Tbilisi on the Eve of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord the Blessing of the Newlyweds Took Place PDF Print E-mail

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On February 14 the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church celebrates the Candlemas Day, or Diarnt’arach (Trndez), it is a feast of purification, celebrated 40 days after Jesus’s birth. On February 13 in Holy Echmiadzin Church in Tbilisi on the eve of the feast Trndez Divine Liturgy was held. The Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan with clergy, taking fire from the lamp, accompanied by the faithful went to the yard of the church to light a traditional bonfire, which symbolizes the light of Christ.
The Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenian Garegin II, has declared this day as Day of Blessing of Newlyweds and Family, therefore appropriate church ceremonies take place in the Armenian Church. In the 46 Armenian churches of Georgia bonfires were lit and the newlyweds blessing ceremonies were held.

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In the yard of the Holy Echmiadzin Church in Avlabar the Head of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan addressed to the newlyweds and wished their families peace and warmth.

Under drum and zurna accompaniment the Godfather of the Cross for Holy Echmiadzin Church Erik Safaryan lit the bonfire, around which in honor of the great national holiday singing and dancing started.
After that gifts were given to the newlyweds and festivities took place. Beautiful fireworks completed the feast Trndez in Holy Echmiadzin Church in Avlabar.
Bonfires were lit and the newlyweds blessed also in Batumi, Ninotsminda and Akhaltsikhe. In Akhalkalaki, under the leadership of the Vicar General of the Head of the Armenian Diocese in Javakheti, Archimandrite Babgen Salbiyan an evening liturgy was served and a festive bonfire was lighted, and a national festivity was organized.