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Presentation of a Book and a Movie at the “Hayartun” Center of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia PDF Print E-mail


On the 4th of June, at the initiative of the Union of Armenian Musicians of Georgia, in Calouste Gulbenkian Hall of the "Hayartun" Cultural Centre of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, the presentation of the book entitled "Artists: Fates, Muses” and the movie “Strastnaya Ikona” by residing in Yerevan Gregory Harutyunyan, a native of Tbilisi, a member of the RA Union of Writers and the RA Union of Artists, was held.

CEO of Sports Radio “Jako”, a sports commentator Jamlet Khukhashvili, his wife - the president of the Association of Georgian-Jewish Women, Eva Babalashvili, art critic David Andriadze, the author of the film Gregory Harutyunyan and many others attended the event.

Writer and musician Artem Kirakozov (Grigorents) opened the event, he presented Gregory Harutyunyan, who was born in Tbilisi and graduated the local Russian school № 66, he continued his career in Russia, and then – in Yerevan. Gregory Harutyunyan, choosing medical career field, also dedicated himself to literature and art. He is already an author of many books, the majority of works in which are dedicated to Georgia and hometown Tbilisi. In this book entitled "Artists: Fates, Muses” the destinies of Armenian and Georgian artists, the episodes of their lives in Tbilisi and Yerevan are also included.

Greeting the movie presentation, where the talented writer appears in the role of an artist and sculptor, Jamlet Khukhashvili highly appreciated the author’s oeuvre in the sphere of art. He recalled the graduates of the school № 66, including the author of the book and the film Gregory Harutyunyan, who will celebrate this years the 60th anniversary of their admission to school,

Art critic David Andriadze congratulated on the presentation of the movie and the book, he told about the impressions he had received while working in Yerevan, in connection with the shooting of the film dedicated to Minas Avetisyan. He spoke about, how during working process he had discovered many unfamiliar people and interesting episodes, adding that very soon his book entitled “My soliloquy” would be published. The book is about Tbilisi painting - from Hakob Hovnatanyan to Gayane Khachaturian.

After that the movie “Strastnaya Ikona” was shown, after which Gregory Harutyunyan told the audience about the interesting process and motivation of the film shooting.

Everyone, who delivered a speech, expressed their opinion and highly praised the movie. Gregory Harutynyan distributed to the audience the copies of his book entitled "Artists: Fates, Muses”.