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Marking the Cooperation Introductory Pilgrimage to Armenia and Artsah of the Department of Youth Affairs of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia PDF Print E-mail


On October 24-28, 2013 a group of pilgrims from the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, with financial assistance from the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, and under the guidance and with the blessing of the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian, paid an introductory visit to Armenia and Artsakh, which marked the partnership. The Department of Youth Affairs of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia headed by Deacon Gevorg Antonian had organized the pilgrimage. The group of pilgrims consisted of the employees of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, the youth from Tbilisi, Akhaltsikhe, Batumi and Marneuli. Famous Armenian-American poet Sona Van was also among the pilgrims.

On October 24 the group of pilgrims headed from Tbilisi to Yerevan. Along the way they participated in the morning service,IMGP4116 which took place at Haghartsin Monasteri in Tavush region, and met with the abbot of the monastery complex Archimandrite Aristakes Ayvazian. Father Aristakes unveiled the history of the monastery to the pilgrims and spoke about the restoration works conducted recently. IMGP4136

Already in Yerevan, the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia hosted the meeting with the ministry officials.


The next day the pilgrims made a visit to St. Hripsime Monastery, St.Gayane Monastery and Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, where they received blessings from His Grace, Bishop Ter Artak Tigranian and His Grace, Bishop Ter Bagrat Galstian.

IMGP4183The Khor Virap Monastery became the next stop. Here the abbot of the monastery Abegha Aris Tonoyan welcomed the pilgrims. After the thanksgiving service the group of pilgrims of the. IMGP4316Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia headed to Artsakh. In Artsakh they visited the residence of the Diocese in Shushi and met with the Head of the Diocese, His Beatitude Archbishop Pargev Martirosian. The Primate of the Diocese welcomed the guests and presented the activities of the Diocese. He blessed the pilgrims and encouraged the Armenian youth of Georgia and Artsakh to continue strengthening of the mutual ties via reciprocal visits. The Head of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia expressed his brotherly love to Archbishop Pargev Martirosian and presented him the painting of Old Tbilisi by Tbilisi Armenian artist Tengiz Mikoyants.

In the morning of October 26 in Shushi the pilgrims visited the Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs of Artsakh. A meeting with Minister Narine Agabalian took place. Deputy Minister Gayane Grigorian also attended the meeting. IMGP4337

Minister Agabalian welcomed the guests, presented the cultural activities, conducted in Artsakh and abroad, and spoke about youth affairs government policy. The Minister of Culture in her speech welcomed similar visits and mentioned their importance in the preservation of the ties between the fatherland and the Armenians living abroad. “We should not be satisfied with the victory only; we must also preserve this victory. There are many problems in the Motherland. We must get our message across the young people that we still have much work to do. And in this regard the role of culture is big,”- the Minister said. She underlined the development of the different branches of art, mentioning tourism and applied


and proposed to the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia to cooperate in this field, providing the relevant specialists.

His Grace highly appreciated the ties between the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia and Artsakh, which has been established recently, he underlined the reciprocal visits and cooperation between the youth, cultural figures and teachers, and he also mentioned that Artsakh and Jerusalem are the places, where you want to come back again.

During the meeting the Heads of the departments at the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia presented the main issues and challenges, faced by the departments, and announced the readiness of the Diocese to take part in various programs.



After that the time came to exchange gifts. The Primate of the Diocese handed over to the Minister one of the paintings of famous Georgian miniaturist Meruzhan Shahumian.

The meeting ended with the blessing from His Grace.

The group of pilgrims headed to the Shushi Art Center, which ones was the house of our national benefactor and public figure Mikael Aramyants and was properly rebuilt after the Artsakh War. The carpets and paintings of Samvel Kavadian were exhibited at the Art Center.

After the Art Center the pilgrims left for Gandzasar Monastery Complex, where they were welcomed by spiritual shepherd of the Complex Priest Ter Grigor. After the greetings the thanksgiving service was conducted under the presidency of His Grace. On the way back to Shushi the pilgrims visited the symbol of Artsakh – Tatik Papik (Armenian Grandfather and Grandmother) Monument and enjoyed the beauty of Stepanakert at night.



On October 27 the group of pilgrims took part in the Divine Liturgy, which was held at Kazanchetsots Surb Prkich in Sushi. The Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia,IMGP4464

His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian conducted the divine service. After the Liturgy they visited the residence of the Primate of Artsakh Diocese in Shushi, His Beatitude Archbishop Ter Pargev Martirosian, went to museum of heroes, who died for the liberation of Artsakh, and after that took part in literary soiree, dedicated to Sona Van, which was organized at the initiative of Vardan Hakobyan, the Chairman of Writers' Union of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic. In the evening of the same day the pilgrims attended cultural event, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic.

On October 28 the pilgrims headed by His Beatitude, Archbishop Ter Pargev Martirosian and His Grace, Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian, laid flowers at the Memorial to Artsakh Liberation heroes and prayed for the repose of their souls.

Later in the day the group of pilgrims met in Stepanakert with the President of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic, Bako Sahakian. The meeting started with the greeting of the President. The President mentioned that it is important to involve more young people in similar programs, in order to make their ties with the Motherland stronger, and the works with the relevant structures of Artsakh well coordinated and more effective. The President also presented the recent accomplishments of Artsakh and spoke about the essential problems.

The meeting started with questions and answers, finally the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia expressed his satisfaction. “Artsakh is of great importance in the preservation of the Armenian national identity. The Armenians of Georgia are


ready for the sake of Artsakh with the mediation of the church to use their best efforts and to do even more for a good cause in Artsakh,” – His Grace, Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian said.

The Primate of the Diocese handed over to the President of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic one the best paintings of Old Tbilisi by famous Tbilisi Armenian artist Tengiz Mikoyants.IMGP4630

The group of pilgrims from the Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia visited the residence of Artsakh Diocese in Stepanakert.

The pilgrims received many impressions, seeing the progress that has taken place in Artsakh. Everywhere they saw improved roads, villages and towns freed from traces of war, and great mood prevailed among the people.

The Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Georgia, through the Primate Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanian, in its turn invited the Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs of Artsakh, the Writers’ Union and the clergy of Artsakh Diocese. The invitation was accepted with pleasure.

The group of pilgrims with the indelible impressions and vivid memories returned to Tbilisi.

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