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Open lesson of recitation coterie at the “Hayartun” center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia PDF Print E-mail


On November 27, 2014 the open lesson of recitation coterie was held at “Hayartun” center of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia (supervisor of the coterie – Samvel Elbakyan, an artist at Petros Adamyan Armenian State Drama Theatre). The lesson was devoted to the autumn. Dedicated Armenian poets have written poems of different genres about this season of the year. And now thanks to the impeccable work of the coterie teacher, 13 Armenian teenagers presented the artistic recitation of the jewels of the Armenian literature to the audience.

Pupils of Armenian and other schools performed the entrancing works of Vahan Teryan, Avetik Isahakyan, Yeghishe Charents and others. Many of the pupils had learnt Armenian in Sunday school of the center, and all of them performed the recitation with perfect expressiveness, correct emphasis, and with the exact perception of each word. Excited with the meaning and deepness of each poem, the children recited in the background of foliage and the flutter of the dead leaves, and to the corresponding gentle national melody.
The director of Culture Department at the Armenian Diocese in Georgia and the leader of the “Hayartun” center Levon Chidilyan expressed words of appreciation to the members of the coterie and the supervisor for their targeted work. Levon Chidilyan highlighted the importance of speech development of Armenian teenagers. “Live speech, rich vocabulary and its correct usage should become an indestructible guarantee for the preservation of our language” noted the speaker. And the director of Press and Information Department Susanna Khachatryan highly valued not only the beautiful recitation by the coterie members, but also their recitation with perception of each word. Susanna Khachatryan hoped that during commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the coterie would perform a poetry and musical composition, illustrating the rise of our nation.
At the end the teacher of the coterie Samvel Elbakyan thanked the Primate of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, the staff of the “Hayartun” center, the parents of the coterie members for the great trust towards the work so close to his heart and for the support provided. He assured that the literary readings and the beautiful recitations would become an indispensible factor in educating the teenagers with the concept of benevolence and humanism.