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The exhibition at Hayartun Center dedicated to the 190th anniversary of Nersisyan School PDF Print E-mail


On December 12, 2014 the exhibition of documentary materials dedicated to the 190th anniversary of Nersisyan School, was opened in Calouste Gulbenkian hall at Hayartun Center. It was organized by Hayartun Center in cooperation with the National Archives of Armenia and with the support of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The opening was attended by the employees of the National Archives of Armenia and by the representatives of the Armenian community in Georgia.

The visitors were able to observe different letters, decrees, minutes and photos capturing a century old activity of the first secondary educational institution in Transcaucasia. The presented materials were showing the great and the unique role of this educational institution in providing Armenian education.

When opening the exhibition Levon Chidilyan, the head of Hayartun Center, informed the visitors about the recent photo session in Nersisyan School’s preserved building, taken by Hayartun’s several employees. He reported with regret that the building is now a partly renovated private property.

The visitors listened to the director of the National Archives of Armenia, Amatuni Virabyan’s speech with great interest. The speech was about Nersisyan school, founded by the leader of the Armenian Diocese in Georgia, greatly lamented, Nerses Ashtaraketsi.

The president of the Union of Armenian Intellectuals of Georgia, historian Enok Tadevosyan pointed out the importance of the good deeds done by this institution during the Armenian nation’s fatal moments.

Poet Anahit Bostanjyan concluded her touching appearance by reading her poem devoted to this historical institution.

In his speech of blessing and appreciation, His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan acknowledged the cooperation with the National Archives of Armenia and expressed his gratitude for presenting the displayed exhibits to Hayartun center. The leader of the Diocese highlighted that having a national school is one of the keys to preserving the Armenian identity in the Diaspora.

Gohar Avagyan, the department head of the National Archives of Armenia, explained the content and the meaning of presented documentary materials.

The exhibition dedicated to the 190th anniversary of Nersisyan School will continue until December 27th.

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