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The Feast of St Sarkis in Tbilisi PDF Print E-mail


The Armenian Diocese in Georgia always celebrates the Feast of St Sarkis the Captain, his son Mardiros and his 14 soldiers-companions with great enthusiasm and love. The feast is movable; this year it is celebrated on January 31. It is an extraordinary feast that gathers thousands of young Armenians and people of different nationalities around the Armenian Church.

On Friday,January 30, young Armenians of Tbilisi gathered near the St Gevorg Vicarial Church to start the traditional religious procession. Together with the Fathers, they made their way to the old St Sarkis Chapel in Kharpukh district, holding icons of St Sarkis and gonfalons.

After praying and lighting candles at the site of the ruins of the chapel, the participants of the procession celebrated the pilgrimage and headed for the St Etchmiadzin Church in Avlabari, simultaneously singing Armenian church psalms.

The Evening Service was delivered in the crowded church. During his sermon, the priest, Ter Samvel Torosyan explained the meaning of this feast and spoke about the martyrdom of St Sarkis the captain, his son Mardiros and his 14 soldiers-companions. The Father wished everyone health and happiness and peace to Georgia, Armenia and Artsakh (Karabakh).

By the order of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, the feast was proclaimed as a day of blessing of the youth. At the end of the service the blessing ceremony was performed.

St Sarkis is also the patron of love. At the end of the ceremony young people traditionally receive salty cookies; the appearance of the future bride or bridegroom in a dream is related to eating of the salty cookie.

The Armenian Diocese in Georgia thanks the Patrol Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia for convoying the procession.

On January 31, the Divine Liturgy dedicated to the Feast of St Sarkis will be held in Tbilisi St Etchmiadzin Church and all other churches of the Diocese.

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